Research Highlights:
Received a total of 16 lakhs in research grants from several funding bodies such as AICTE, ASTEC, and Institute Innovation Council, to mention a few. Terahertz Communication attenuation research received Grant from Ministry of Defence – Govt. of India Awarded first prize with cash amount 20,000/- in the 36 hours long faculty hackathon ACM HACK-A-DAY organized by ACM Kolkata on 12th-13th March 2022.
Best paper award in the “International conference on Signal Processing, VLSI communication and Embedded System ICSVCE-2021” held at Bardhaman Engineering College, Hyderabad. IBM Certified Enterprise Design Thinking Practitioner and Co-creator.
Selected Publication (s):
Shiladitya Munshi, Sajal Saha, Radha Tamal Goswami, “Theories of Real Time Stream Processing Architecture Using Task Forking Model”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, ISSN: 1738-7906 Vol. 22, No. 3. (ESCI)
Swagata Paul, Sajal Saha, R. T. Goswami, “Detection of Unknown Insider Attack on Components of Big Data System: A Smart System Application for Big Data Cluster”, International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security(IJCNIS), MECS Press(Accepted), ISSN:2074-9104 (Scopus). (In Press)
Ayan Chakraborty, T. Goswami, and Sajal Saha, “Error tuning and gap analysis of human psycho-emotional pattern recognition framework using time series forecasting model”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2407, 020012 (2021)
Ayan Chakraborty, Sajal Saha, R.T. Goswami, Rajrupa Chattaraj,” EMOFY: Emotional Data Acquisition within a controlled stimulus environment”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), vol-7, issue-12(UGC CARE)
Chakraborty, A. Banerjee and S. Saha, “Sensors In Precision Agriculture: A Survey On Application, Security And Privacy”, Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences. Vol:18, No:9,p.p. 949-957, Mili Publications(ESCI and UGC CARE)
A K Mukhopadhyay, S Khara, Sajal Saha, D. Saha, “Performance analysis of the CAC scheme CARETON under mixed cell environment in overlay networks”, p.p. 65-74, Vol. 6, No. ½, J. Internet Protocol Technology, Inderscience Publication, Switzerland. (Scopus, ESCI) Sajal Saha, Raju Dutta, Soumen Debnath, Asish K Mukhopadhyay, “Intelligent Paging Based Mobile User Tracking Using Fuzzy Logic”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1324, 19-23 (2010) Sajal Saha et al., “An Efficient Call Admission Control Scheme on Overlay Networks Using Fuzzy Logic”, 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication System (IEEE ANTS), IIT Delhi, 12th -14th December, 2009 (published in IEEE Explore and ACM digital library).
Asish K Mukhopadhyay, Sajal Saha, Suranjan Ghose, Debasish Saha, “An Analytical Model of Multi-Service Call Admission Control in Next Generation Wireless Overlay Networks”, International Conference on Networks & Communications (NetCoM 2009),Chennai, 27th -29th December 2009, 98-103 (published in IEEE Explore digital library).
Sajal Saha et al., ”Analysis of Hierarchical Mobile IP Based Mobility Management Schemes”, International Conference on Networks & Communications (NetCoM 2009), Chennai, 27th -29th December 2009, p. 338-343 (published in IEEE Explore digital library).
Research Projects:
Handoff Analysis in WLAN-GPRS Integrated Network, INR 2.5 Lakhs, funded by AICTE under RPS scheme, 2010-12.
Augmentation of Multimedia lab with AR/VR facilities for engineering content creation, funded by AICTE under MODROBS schemes 03 Lakhs, Funded by AICTE MODROBS, Govt. of India, 2020-21. STTP on “Recent Advancement in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, INR 3 lakhs funded by AICTE, 2019-20.
Institute Innovation Council Mentor Mentee Scheme, INR 2.25 Lakhs funded by IIC MIE.
IoT enabled safety glass. INR 10,000 funded by ASTEC. Ultrasonic Sensor Gloves or Shoes for the Blind using Arduino Lily pad. INR 10,000, funded by ASTEC.
Research Patents:
Ultra Safety Helmet Patent Application number: 201731028497, 2017
An Intelligent Dustbin, Patent Application number: 201831024232, 2018
A System to Monitor Moisture Level in the Soil, Patent Application number, 201831040250(Granted)
IOT Based Full Body Sanitization System, Patent Application number, 202131028764, 2021
An innovative web application for human psycho-emotional data acquisition to generate users emotional signature pattern (ESP), copyright registration: 14789/2021, 2021
Research Advisor / Supervisor:
Doctoral Thesis Advisor / Supervisor: 4 (Under progress) Doctoral Thesis Advisor / Supervisor: 2 (1 Awarded, 1 Submitted) Post Graduate Thesis Advisor / Supervisor: 14 (Awarded) Award/ Academic Recognition/ Major Professional Activity: Awarded first prize with cash amount 20,000/- in the 36 hours long faculty hackathon ACM HACK-A-DAY organized by ACM Kolkata on 12th-13th March 2022.
Best paper award in the “International conference on Signal Processing, VLSI communication and Embedded System ICSVCE-2021” held at Bardhaman Engineering College, Hyderabad.
Faculty appreciation award for outstanding sincerity from Narula Institute of Technology in 2011 and 2016.
Awarded silver award for ranking second overall in the ME examination at WBUT with a DGPA of 9.22.
Awarded first prize in the business plan competition 2020 organized by Kaziranga University entrepreneurship club.
Presented my project entitled “Handoff analysis in WLAN GPRS integrated network” in the ANVESHAN, AIU (Association of Indian University) East Zone Student Research Convention held in Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi from 9th-11th April 2008 and qualified from the east zone (only 8 projects were selected) to compete National Student Research.